ISIE is a civil organization of young researchers, dedicated to the values of liberty, democracy and market economy, formed with the primary mission to encourage and facilitate research of the strategic problems in Macedonia and the region, in particular in the fields of education and science, as well as to inform and educate citizens on the aforementioned problems and offer viable solutions for them.
ISIE stands for promotion of European values and best practices of education and science in the society, innovation of the teaching process and respect for the position of students and scientists and advancement of their position in the society.
Our mission is implemented through analysis of the key challenges in the society, offer of concrete solutions for improvement of education and science in the country and the region, continuous education and training for young people as well as active lobbying for advancement of these segments in the society.
In achieving of its mission, ISIE is led by the principles of transparency, ccountability and good governance.
The Institute for Strategic Research and Education – ISIE has established the following set of goals:
- Initiating research activities that will cover the strategic problems in Macedonia and the broader region with emphasis on education and science;
- Providing information, analysis and proposing policy answers to relevant topics through the promotion of democratic values and contributing to further political and socio-economic development of Macedonia and the region;
- Promoting European values and best practices in the field of education;
- Contributing to improvement of the social cohesion through empowerment of the individual and better social inclusion;
- Linking the university with the business community;
- Offering continuous education and training, especially for the young population;
- Development of a knowledge based society and
- Engaging in activities that will further promote the concept of civil society in Macedonia.