Trilateral Spring School on Corruption Prevention in Ohrid

Institute for Strategic Research and Education (ISIE) in cooperation with the Institute for Development, Research and Alternatives (IDRA) – Tirana and Centre for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID) – Belgrade have organized Trilateral Spring School on Corruption Prevention in Higher Education in the period from 15-18 May 2024 in Ohrid.

Trilateral School was organized within the Corruption Free Universities in Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia Project. Thirty student leaders and activists (10 participants per country) as well as 5 experts have attended the program. The School has provided the students with the opportunity to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to prevent corruption at the universities. During the opening ceremony of the School, the project manager Mišo Dokmanović has emphasized the importance of the regional cooperation in the fight against corruption as well as the utilization of new digital tools developed through the project (chatbot) and are disposal of the students.

“Corruption Free Universities in Albania, N. Macedonia and Serbia” Project is supported by the Regional grant of the “SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans” regional project implemented by Centar za promociju civilnog društva (CPCD)Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) and Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and financially supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA).

Program of the School


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