On September 20, 2023, the Institute for Strategic Research and Education (ISIE) has organized a signing ceremony of the Declaration on Anticorruption Practices and Policies in Public Enterprises. In order to demonstrate political will and contribute to prevention of corruption and improvement of the transparency of public enterprises, the Declaration was signed by 36 directors of public enterprises from all over the country.
Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy – Skopje Eric Meyer joined the ISIE and representatives from public institutions for a signing ceremony on the Declaration. He spoke about the United States’ support for country’s anticorruption efforts, and noted that it’s up to the people of North Macedonia to stop tolerating any level of corruption from their politicians, civil servants, business leaders, and themselves. “The millions of dollars the United States, the European Union, and partner nations invest in anti-corruption programs like the one we’re here to talk about today cannot solve North Macedonia’s problems without you.” – DCM Meyer emphasized.
To find out more about the resources available for public enterprises please visit our resource page.
You can download the signed Declaration on the following link.