Study on Corruption Perceptions in Higher Education Released

The Institute for Strategic Research and Education – ISIE in cooperation with our partners CESID – Centar za slobodne izbore i demokratiju – Belgrade and  IDRA – Institute for Development Research and Alternatives – Tirana  has published the Study on the Corruption Perceptions and Prevention in Higher Education in Albania, N. Macedonia and Serbia. The study is based […]

36 Directors of Public Enterprises signed a Declaration for Anti-Corruption

On September 20, 2023, the Institute for Strategic Research and Education (ISIE) has organized a signing ceremony of the Declaration on Anticorruption Practices and Policies in Public Enterprises. In order to demonstrate political will and contribute to prevention of corruption and improvement of the transparency of public enterprises, the Declaration was signed by 36 directors […]

Major Analysis on Costs for Justice for Children Prepared for UNICEF

The Institute for Strategic Research and Education (ISIE, Skopje) has conducted an expenditure analysis of the adequacy, efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the government budget in the area of justice for children in North Macedonia. The analysis has been carried out through the EU funded project entitled “Just(ice) children – EU for juvenile and child […]

Survey Results of Students’ Corruption Perceptions

The Institute for Strategic Research and Education – ISIE has organized a Roundtable on the topic “Universities without corruption in Albania, S. Macedonia and Serbia” on June 22, 2023 (Thursday)  at the Marriott Hotel Skopje. Over 25 key-stakeholders including member of State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, deans, ministry representatives, NGO representatives have attended the […]

Four trainings for state-owned enterprises organized across the country

Within our “Boosting corruption reporting enabling environment in the state-owned enterprises” Project, funded by the US embassy Skopje, a series of four training events has been organized in Bitola, Skopje, Shtip and Tetovo in May 2023. All the trainings have been organized at American corners in the selected cities. The main purpose of the trainings […]

Survey on Corruption Perception in Higher Education Completed

As part of the “SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans” – “Corruption Free Universities in Albania, North Macedonia, and Serbia” project, ISIE, in collaboration with CESID – Centar za slobodne izbore i demokratiju (Serbia) and IDRA – Institute for Development Research and Alternatives (Albania) has completed a baseline survey on corruption perception […]

Established Cooperation with IDRA – Tirana and CESID – Belgrade

We signed the collaboration memorandum with CESID – Centar za slobodne izbore i demokratiju and  IDRA – Institute for Development Research and Alternatives, (Albania) Today, we laid the foundations for a regional cooperation not only in the framework of this project but for every potential opportunity that the future might bring us. Our three organizations are […]

Corruption Free University Kickoff Meeting in Tirana

On February 22, 2023  the Kick-Off meeting of the project “Corruption Free Universities in Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia” which is being implemented by ISIE- Институт за стратешки истражувања и едукација – ИСИЕ (MK) together with IDRA – Institute for Development Research and Alternatives (Albania) and CESID- CESID – Centar za slobodne izbore i demokratiju […]

SMART grant awarded to ISIE

Great way to start 2023! ISIE has received a new grant to implement a 2-year project  “Corruption Free Universities in Albania, N. Macedonia and Serbia” together with our partners Instituti për Kërkime dhe Alternativa Zhvillimi (Institute for Development Research and Alternatives – IDRA) and CESID – Centar za slobodne izbore i demokratiju (Center for Free Elections […]

Boosting corruption reporting enabling environment in the state-owned enterprises

Staring from October 2022, ISIE will implement a 12-month project aimed at improving corruption reporting environment in the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) through preparation of Assessment report, signing of a Declaration of commitment, preparation of Roadmap, delivery of 4 trainings as well as media outreach and mentorship program. ISIE will analyse the current situation regarding the […]